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Business, Coaching, Becky Davis Sophisticated Cloud Business, Coaching, Becky Davis Sophisticated Cloud

Career Change at 40, How, When and Why!

It seems by the age of 40, you generally have lots of life experience, will have travelled, be settled in your own home and have friends or family close by. Most of my clients have a lovely homelife, a ‘good’ career, some have kids and most feel grateful for the life they have built. BUT they want something more and that often shows up as a change of career.

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Business, Coaching, Wellbeing At Work, Nicola Mercer Sophisticated Cloud Business, Coaching, Wellbeing At Work, Nicola Mercer Sophisticated Cloud

PLAN B - The building blocks of life after swoosh

I didn’t have a PLAN B. Everyone was talking about their PLAN B’s and how in control it made them of the upcoming restructure. If their job was impacted, having a PLAN B made them feel able to cope with it; made them know they’d be able to smoothly move on to something else without falling apart.

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