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Business, Social Media, Andre Oentoro Sophisticated Cloud Business, Social Media, Andre Oentoro Sophisticated Cloud

How to Optimize Your Social Media Videos for Maximum Reach and Impact

Social media platforms and video content now go hand-in-hand. From TikTok to Instagram Reels, more and more features are designed to embrace this engaging content format. So, it should come as no surprise if the recent statistics show that people are watching 17 hours of online videos per week, on average.

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Business, PR, Andre Oentoro Sophisticated Cloud Business, PR, Andre Oentoro Sophisticated Cloud

7 Expert Tips for Integrating Explainer Videos into Your PR and Advertising Strategy

In the age of digital marketing, explainer videos are versatile content to boost your PR and advertising strategy. From building relationships through press releases and emails to reaching a wider audience through social media, explainers are quick and compelling content to deliver your messages.

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